Ivan Kostial

Ivan Kostial has worked in Information technologies since 2002 as programmer, team lead, project lead and scrum master. In last 6 years he has specialized in agile and lean principles applied in daily project work – always in the role of a project team member. Study and deep understanding of theory behind lean principles help him to take correct decisions in uncertain situations.

His career driver: use the natural talent proved in many situations and confirmed by many people as a catalyst to achieve outstanding results within short time horizons.

Ivan Kostial

Ivan Kostial has worked in Information technologies since 2002 as programmer, team lead, project lead and scrum master. In last 6 years he has specialized in agile and lean principles applied in daily project work – always in the role of a project team member. Study and deep understanding of theory behind lean principles help him to take correct decisions in uncertain situations.

His career driver: use the natural talent proved in many situations and confirmed by many people as a catalyst to achieve outstanding results within short time horizons.

Beiträge von Ivan Kostial

Das Team eines großen Scrum-Projekts umfasst meist so viele Mitarbeiter, dass eine Unterteilung in mehrere kleinere Teams notwendig wird, die jeweils für die Entwicklung einer Komponente zuständig sind (Komponententeams).

In der agilen Software-Entwicklung wird der Leistungsumfang üblicherweise mit User Stories beschrieben und der jeweilige Entwicklungsaufwand in der relativen Einheit "Story Point" geschätzt.