Rudolf G. Burkhard

Rudolf G. Burkhard is business development director and member of the management team at VISTEM GmbH & Co. KG, that he founded with 4 colleagues in 2008. Currently the author is involved in work related to project management, sourcing and sales development, the development of strategy and tactics for effective innovation management and supply chain management.

Except for a short period running a small company Burkhard's experience comes from working in several Du Pont’s business units within the Textile Fibres and Electronics Departments. He held positions in finance, technical service, sales, supply-chain, projects and business management at Du Pont’s European Headquarters in Geneva.

In 2001 he left Du Pont to focus on Theory of Constraints consulting at first as an independent consultant, then with Goldratt Consulting, where he was able to work with the originator of the Theory of Constraints.

Burkhard operates the blog "TOC4U-Focus" and is the author of the article "You Can’t Spot Serious Shareholder Value? Check your Paradigms", that won the 1999 PricewaterhouseCoopers prize for the best article on "Can you Spot Serious Shareholder Value?"

Other articles:

  • Burkhard, Rudolf G.: How to Spot Shareholder Value, in: European Business Forum, Issue 1, Spring 2000
  • Burkhard, Rudolf G.: Selbstmanagement: Zehn Wochen Ferien, in: Harvard Business Manager, Ausgabe Dezember 2010


Rudolf G. Burkhard

Rudolf G. Burkhard is business development director and member of the management team at VISTEM GmbH & Co. KG, that he founded with 4 colleagues in 2008. Currently the author is involved in work related to project management, sourcing and sales development, the development of strategy and tactics for effective innovation management and supply chain management.

Except for a short period running a small company Burkhard's experience comes from working in several Du Pont’s business units within the Textile Fibres and Electronics Departments. He held positions in finance, technical service, sales, supply-chain, projects and business management at Du Pont’s European Headquarters in Geneva.

In 2001 he left Du Pont to focus on Theory of Constraints consulting at first as an independent consultant, then with Goldratt Consulting, where he was able to work with the originator of the Theory of Constraints.

Burkhard operates the blog "TOC4U-Focus" and is the author of the article "You Can’t Spot Serious Shareholder Value? Check your Paradigms", that won the 1999 PricewaterhouseCoopers prize for the best article on "Can you Spot Serious Shareholder Value?"

Other articles:

  • Burkhard, Rudolf G.: How to Spot Shareholder Value, in: European Business Forum, Issue 1, Spring 2000
  • Burkhard, Rudolf G.: Selbstmanagement: Zehn Wochen Ferien, in: Harvard Business Manager, Ausgabe Dezember 2010


Beiträge von Rudolf G. Burkhard

Eine zur Verschrottung vorgesehene Anlage wird mit Hilfe der Theory of Constraints zum Goldesel! Mit dem Voraussetzungsbaum schafft es ein Ingenieursteam, einen Produktionsengpass zu überwinden und Umsatz sowie Gewinn zu steigern.

Verwirklichen Sie scheinbar Unmögliches, indem Sie vom Ergebnis her denken! Wandeln Sie die größten Hindernisse in Herausforderungen um und entwerfen Sie so einen erfolgversprechenden Projektplan!
Ein Hochwasser verursachte 2013 in der sächsischen Stadt Grimma schwerwiegende Schäden. Dies ist vor allem darauf zurückzuführen, dass nach der Flut 2002 ein Dammbauprojekt in mehr als zehn Jahren nicht fertig gestellt werden konnte. Rudolf G.

Using Critical Chain Project Management public authorities can respond to natural disasters by far more quickly and effectively. Two case studies from Japan show how it works. A German example shows what damages could have been prevented.