Fergus O'Connell

Fergus O’Connell is a leading consultant and trainer in project management. He is the author of 15 business and self-help books, including the Simply Brilliant (Pearson), and most recently, The Project Management Book (LID Publishing). He is based in the UK.

Fergus O'Connell

Fergus O’Connell is a leading consultant and trainer in project management. He is the author of 15 business and self-help books, including the Simply Brilliant (Pearson), and most recently, The Project Management Book (LID Publishing). He is based in the UK.

Beiträge von Fergus O'Connell

Your project manager misses several status reports, your team is working overtime, or your boss asks you to work smarter, not harder? Then your project may be in trouble! Fergus O’Connell shows you 13 signs, that should raise a red flag.

Have you ever experienced the situation that you have a project idea and it takes weeks or months until the project plan is ready? Fergus O'Connell also knew this situation until he decided to plan the project in one day.

You have to check the state of your project? Fergus O'Connell explains how to do this in only few minutes, with his tool Probability of Success Indicator (PSI).