María Berenguer

María is "maña" (the way we call the people born in Zaragoza), agilist, pianist, amateur actress and computer engineer.

In 2011, a friend told her: "Maria, you are agile, and you don't know yet". She met Agile Aragon, the community of her hometown and started learning and discovering what it means to be agile.

She’s a Scrum Master & Agile Mentor since 2014. Her goal is to inspire teams, helping them to discover their Agile path and improve it every day.

She actively collaborates with Agile and Tech communities, sharing learnings with everyone. Her other passion is theatre. She uses its techniques and dynamics in her daily style, in verbal and non verbal communication, abilities of public speaking, observation and many other things that are as important or even more than words, when we transmit a message.

María Berenguer

María is "maña" (the way we call the people born in Zaragoza), agilist, pianist, amateur actress and computer engineer.

In 2011, a friend told her: "Maria, you are agile, and you don't know yet". She met Agile Aragon, the community of her hometown and started learning and discovering what it means to be agile.

She’s a Scrum Master & Agile Mentor since 2014. Her goal is to inspire teams, helping them to discover their Agile path and improve it every day.

She actively collaborates with Agile and Tech communities, sharing learnings with everyone. Her other passion is theatre. She uses its techniques and dynamics in her daily style, in verbal and non verbal communication, abilities of public speaking, observation and many other things that are as important or even more than words, when we transmit a message.

Beiträge von María Berenguer

Supporting team building and communication will significantly advance your project results. Michael Cramer, María Berenguer and Marjoke Franken show you how you can achieve this by using the cooperative mobile game "Escape the BOOM".